• Auld Cruivie picture

Auld Cruivie


Auld Cruivie based on an old Scottish saga
Composed by Johan de Wit for Katrina Marzella
Baritone Horn and Brass Band
4 sentences duration: 30 minutes
1st Movement hear and see
2nd Movement hear and see
4th Movement hear and see


The old Scottish saga Auld Cruivie tells of the fact that we as humans always have the choice to approach things with respect or greed and egocentricity, including nature. When the trees leave their location once every ten years on St. John’s Day until midnight to go dancing together, a greedy lord takes this moment to go in search of the treasure that is supposed to be in the hole left by the trees. In his blind greed he does not notice that the dance of the trees has come to an end.


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